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Yes, I know webmail's not working... 2002-10-09 22:40:03
by lmbedore
Something went exceptionally wrong with the IMAP support in PHP during tonight's web-server-software-version-upgrades. The University of Washington released a new version of their IMAP code, and I'm guessing that it really screws with what PHP is expecting to see. I'm working on it. No need to email me about it. Thanks.

Re: Yes, I know webmail's not working... 2002-10-09 23:20:19
by lmbedore
It's working now. Stupid typos. :)
Re: Yes, I know webmail's not working... 2002-10-10 15:03:13
by Chris, the non-member
Geez, it's just one set of misfortunes after another with you people.
Re: Yes, I know webmail's not working... 2002-10-10 16:38:10
by toby
We were upgrading and the source to a product we use was changed. The change was not evident since the Crazy MoFos didn't change the version of the software. Also they don't make it the most evident what was changed and what you can configure. All in all the accident on our part (ie. typo) caused us to find a bigger problem that would have reared its ugly head later and we wouldn't have known why. But all is good and all is well. So take a valium and go to bed!
Re: Yes, I know webmail's not working... 2002-10-10 16:45:44
by sirius crackhoe, the member
You ever get the strange feeling that there's a reason why your "the non-member"?
Re: Yes, I know webmail's not working... 2002-10-10 18:01:01
by lmbedore
And somehow, that code fix last night made the front brakes on my motorcycle start working again! It also drained my battery, but a jumpstart from a AAA-battery got me back up and running :)

Moral of the story? Bleed your brakes both before and after an earthquake. And if you can predict an earthquake, you have a promising career ahead of you.
Re: Yes, I know webmail's not working... 2002-10-10 19:23:13
by Anonymous
I was totally thinking the same thing about Ruprect the monkey boy.

I will also agree that the ever chaning source code world is fun fun fun!

Re: Yes, I know webmail's not working... 2002-10-11 15:01:18
by Chris
I was sympathising, not poking fun. I would imagine the prime factor I'm not a member is that new member signups have been down for, well, quite a long time.
Re: Yes, I know webmail's not working... 2002-10-11 18:45:35
by Anonymous
And the new limiting factor might be that you are Ruprect the Monkey Boy.
Re: Yes, I know webmail's not working... 2002-10-12 02:40:09
by Chris
Yeah, that's clever. How'd I get that name? And what's the logic behind it, exactly? I've never heard "Ruprect" before. I'd start posting as Ruprect, but I'd hate to encourage your anonymous random semi-amusing joke making.
Re: Yes, I know webmail's not working... 2002-10-12 14:30:47
by Anonymous
How to be an amusing Anonymous poster, step one.

Find a person who qualifies as Ruprect the Monkey Boy and refer to them as that for life.

Step two in the world of dominating the online monkey child, is to wait for Ruprect to entertain the thought of calling him/herself by the name Ruprect. (A bit redundant here, but I ensure you that redundancy is crucial at some points in life,e.g. making sure Ruprect knows that he/she is Ruprect.)

Step three includes responding to Ruprect's questions calling him/her Ruprect to further ensure that this will be they name they choose to be called from that point onward into life.

During Step five,the poster brings all ties of Ruprectism together. Ruprect decides he/she will be called Ruprect, and will thus apply for a username as Ruprect. If they do not apply for a username as Ruprect, pull some strings to make sure they atleast get a vmail pointing to their shiny new vectorstar account naming them Ruprect.

Finally, Ruprect decides to to watch Dirty Rotten Scoundrals. Later he realizes that Ruprect is actually spelled Ruprecht. This slight oversight turns out to be alright as "Bitchee" has thus taken the same path as our new found Ruprect (Ruprecht to be proper).

Re: Yes, I know webmail's not working... 2002-10-12 15:04:14
by bittchee
Ok, How did I get brought into this?!? And one more thing, It's Bittchee ;)
Re: Yes, I know webmail's not working... 2002-10-12 22:05:52
by Chris
You're right, that WOULD be amusing, if it weren't for the following things: Number one, never would I entertain the thought of calling myself Ruprect. In fact, the only reason I could think of anyone deciding to embrace your would-be cute name is that they feel threatened or insecure by your prodding, so they decide they might as well embrace it. Secondly, you're not really dominating anyone by calling them a name. Seriously, I too used to try and cover my own inequities by placing myself above others in my own head. I would refer to random beautiful girls as "My Love Slave," waiting for them to finally entertain the thought of calling themselves that, at which point I could take perpetual sexual advantage. It never worked. It was sad. Much like trying to prove ones' badassedness over some random guy by being really annoying and pointing out that said person member, while the random guy is not. I dunno. I thought this seemed like quite a nice service running here, and I'm sure it's not too shabby at all, but I might look elsewhere, to be honest, if I come to the conclusion that the others users are irritating. Of the people that've spoken to me, you're apparently 0 for 1.
Re: Yes, I know webmail's not working... 2002-10-12 22:13:35
by Chris
Score, can you count the typos? I can. And before you point it out, yeah, I know you couldn't care less whether I'm around or not. This reminds me of the time I talked to Stale and got a good one page flame, then responded with a two pager of my own, only to receive a nice reply. I was amused.
Re: Yes, I know webmail's not working... 2002-10-12 23:47:04
by Anonymous
I'm not exactly sure how to reply to this, so here goes.

It is a shame you'd pass up good hosting services because some one called you Ruprect. I'm sorry it hurt your feelings, I truly am. However, because stupid people breathe the same air I do, doesn't mean I'm going to stop breathing. (And by this I'm not implying you are an idiot, or anything else of that nature.) Hopefully the fine folks here will hit a spell of good luck, and get everything finished up. I know they work very hard at it, and take great pride in owning the _best_ web service available.

"We're all mad here". So don't take it to heart.

Re: Yes, I know webmail's not working... 2002-10-13 04:02:31
by Douglas
Amen to that.
Re: Yes, I know webmail's not working... 2002-10-13 21:31:41
by Chris
Oh, I was lying anyhow.
Re: Yes, I know webmail's not working... 2002-10-14 13:42:56
by Zepman
OK, another question from a would-be-member... A few months ago, I tried to sign-up, and until the day of today, I get this... message...: "We are in the process of doing substantial upgrades to our network. We are also working on a new administration system, which should help our staff better manage account signups. We will not be accepting new user signups again until this system is (near) complete. No estimated date of completion is available." I KNOW that there is "No estimated date of completion", but I would really like to join your network... after all, as I read all this, it IS a great service ;) -Zepman
Re: Yes, I know webmail's not working... 2002-10-14 16:23:02
by sirius crackhoe, the member
Then you can wait just like everyone else does. Unless that is, of course, this is an urgent request and you reallllly need the account.
Re: Yes, I know webmail's not working... 2002-10-14 18:11:37
by Zepman
Well, I would call it urgent (but who am I), and it is only urgent for... personal stuff. But hey, I can wait another month... VectorStar crew, make it good, ok? ;) -Zepman
Re: Yes, I know webmail's not working... 2002-10-14 18:49:14
by toby
We will see about that. There is SO very much going on behind the scenes that few of you users will ever know about. Also the fact that some of us are still in college and have a job and then homework and then vectorstar. So it is very busy around the VectorStar places.
Re: Yes, I know webmail's not working... 2002-10-15 20:29:01
by lmbedore
Wow, what a lot of love has gone on here! Yow!

It's currently after 8pm and I'm still at work. When I get home, the new motherboard and CPU for Chester might be there. If it is, I'm going to enjoy a tasty beer and get started on assembling Chester once more.

I finally managed to build a working boot floppy to load onto the "new" dual 266... since the stupid thing doesn't think our Slackware CD is really bootable, I have to go through the process of building 6!!! bootdisks. My problem here is that I went through 10 floppies just to get ONE that didn't have bad sectors! Right now I'm half-tempted to scrap the idea of using the dual-266 in production entirely, unless I can get it to boot nicely from CD. It might just not like CD's that are 675mb. :)
Frank - Hook me up with that BIOS flash you got running on the Dual FX board!

My personal comment on what it's like to be a VectorStar user... I'm actually quite depressed by how loose the community has become. Back for the first few years, VectorStar's users were very close! They linked and co-oped sites, chatted constantly on IRC, IM'd each other to death, had webcams galore, and really made VectorStar fun. Immediately after the core infrastructure upgrades, our energies will be spent on bringing our users together some more. The messageboard will be beefed up so that ALL VectorStar users can post messages and participate. We hope to build a private IRC server (if the aforementioned dual 266 would boot from CD!) for our users as well. I'd also like to rewrite the webcam system (it was written 3-1/2 years ago for Netscape 4.0x). I'd like to see VectorStar remain a community, rather than just-another-free-email-and-webspace provider. Yeah, this includes also getting Stale to be a little nicer to the users sometimes. :)
Re: Yes, I know webmail's not working... 2002-10-16 16:03:14
by Chris
I was glad he wasn't nice. I thought it was fun as hell, especially since it gave me an excuse to slam him for a page or two. Really, I just wanted to take out my frustration at the back end of a long search for hosting that doesn't blow (we still don't have it, but, eh, oh well.) Now, if he hadn't replied with the second message explaining that he just wanted to see how I'd react, it would have been less amusing.
Re: Yes, I know webmail's not working... 2002-10-16 19:32:18
by sirius crackhoe, the member
Can we hook him up with a sympathy account?
Re: Yes, I know webmail's not working... 2002-10-17 00:33:01
by lmbedore
I don't know about a sympathy account, but perhaps we'll call the new Dual 266 server 'sympathy'.... or maybe not. I foresee us getting 'sympathy' and 'apathy' confused.. Oh wait, we already do! :) :)
Re: Yes, I know webmail's not working... 2002-10-17 19:09:47
by Anonymous
Sirius, you're an insult to mankind. Take yourself to the doctor and for the good of mankind, get yourself fixed.
Re: Yes, I know webmail's not working... 2002-10-17 19:29:27
by sirius crackhoe, the member
If you're the measuring stick for mankind, we're all fucked.
Re: Yes, I know webmail's not working... 2002-10-18 10:20:59
by Anonymous
That would be the only problem with anonymous postings. After I go bust some guys chops, some one else has to step in like they rule the place.
Re: Yes, I know webmail's not working... 2002-10-18 11:37:18
by lmbedore
Conveniently for Sirius, he actually does own the place. :)
Re: Yes, I know webmail's not working... 2002-10-18 12:09:47
by sirius crackhoe, the member
Strange how some things work, huh.
Re: Yes, I know webmail's not working... 2002-10-18 23:00:10
by stale
Two things:

Laird, I have no idea what I did with the disk containing said bios flash. You could step right up to Tyan's website and find the flash yoself. The only trick I needed to perform was not using the awdflash.exe that came in the downloaded bios file, but instead to download the awdflash.exe they offer elsewhere on the site.

Anonymous, I strongly doubt that sirius'll be procreating anytime soon, don't worry.
Re: Yes, I know webmail's not working... 2002-10-19 00:42:02
by sirius crackhoe, the member
Re: Yes, I know webmail's not working... 2002-10-21 17:09:36
by jake
... my first post. Lets celebrate.
Re: Yes, I know webmail's not working... 2002-10-21 21:54:47
by toby
Is this a slashdot type of post?