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Hackers and Crackers Extinct?! 2003-03-22 11:46:10
by toby
I will believe it when I see it.

Re: Hackers and Crackers Extinct?! 2003-03-22 12:22:40
by marasmus
Microsoft's primary means of maintaining a customer base is upon misinformation that borders on libel. They only get away with it due to their unbelievably-heavy lobbying, using their cashflow (gained from illegally-leveraging their monopoly) to further corrupt our country by changing its laws (CDA, UCITA, DMCA, and a few dozen others) against The People (who are, by definition, the entire constitution of our nation) and for the interests of their corporate interests and shareholders. It's disgusting, unjustifiable hishonesty and dishonor... And people somehow don't manage to understand why I tell them that NOTHING in this world, even a gun to my head, could get me to work for Microsoft.
Re: Hackers and Crackers Extinct?! 2003-03-22 12:35:45
by Daniel
What he said. =)
Re: Hackers and Crackers Extinct?! 2003-03-22 15:51:18
by vahman
But their "Bling Bling".
Re: Hackers and Crackers Extinct?! 2003-03-22 16:49:54
by toby
Marasmus: I must say that you have always had the most descriptive and entertaining comments to anything that you have responded to. Kudos!
Re: Hackers and Crackers Extinct?! 2003-03-22 17:00:05
by stale
Holy shit, I never realized Toby was gay until just now. I'm of firm belief that a straight, American male cannot use the word, "Kudos." Damn, at least it was nice of you to use VectorStar as the means to announce your coming-out. Congrats!
Re: Hackers and Crackers Extinct?! 2003-03-22 20:19:38
by toby
It is a term used in professional circles to give <ghetto>props</ghetto> to an individual. Next time I will try to place a little bit of white-trash in my comments.
Re: Hackers and Crackers Extinct?! 2003-03-23 14:37:51
by stale
The only circle that I can think of the word kudos being used in involves a biscuit.
Re: Hackers and Crackers Extinct?! 2003-03-23 14:53:01
by caridwen
Re: Hackers and Crackers Extinct?! 2003-03-23 21:43:44
by toby
Re: Hackers and Crackers Extinct?! 2003-03-25 23:45:22
by scrantoine