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Linux for Pogo and Marsmus? 2002-05-09 14:14:50
by stale
Maybe? Perhaps this was created for them as well? Strange.

Re: Linux for Pogo and Marsmus? 2002-05-09 14:23:14
by stale
Just to make my point a little clearer: Marasmus and Pogo.
Re: Linux for Pogo and Marsmus? 2002-05-09 15:00:56
by smokey
i'm not sure i want to know what Marasmus is doing in that pic.
Re: Linux for Pogo and Marsmus? 2002-05-09 16:07:27
by marasmus

Thanks to the anti-psychotronic properties of the hat, I was protecting my precious bodily fluids! That is why I drink only distilled water, or rain water, and only pure-grain alcohol. I must preserve the purity of my precious bodily fluids!