12/17/2001 Qmail Build standard Qmail is patched with tarpit+relaymailfrom.patch before being compiled. Qmail is installed as per its stock documents. The startup "rc" script for qmail is based on the procmail startup script. Instead of executing procmail, it executes filter_mail, a script written to implement the ".mailban" anti-spam technique. Qmail's configuration is fairly standard. Some files are effectively duplicates: defaultdomain == me locals == rcpthosts We take advantage of Qmail's virtualdomains configuration file in order to have mail support for virtual domains. This piece gets a little tricky. in the virtualdomains file, a proper syntax to handle virtualdomain delivery is "domain:username". for example, "jrlweb.com:mailjrl" will deliver all mail for jrlweb.com to the user "mailjrl". We follow the standard of creating user accounts for virtualdomains like so: The username is mailXXX (where XXX is a three-letter short name for the domain name). The user's UID is >100, <1000. The user's GID is 102 (qmail). The user's shell is /dev/null. The user's home directory is /var/qmail/alias/mailXXX. In this user's home directory, use qmail's standard .qmail alias delivery mechanism. Create a .qmail-webmaster file in that home directory, where the contents of the file are "&email-address@to-deliver-to.com". In addition to qmail's standard configuration is the "relaymailfrom" file. Its syntax is extremely simple. Each line is a domain name which is allowed to be relayed through the server. "@domain.com" will forward any mail from any-user@domain.com. "domain.com" will forward any mail from any-user@any-server.domain.com. This can be roughly based on the locals or rcpthosts file.